EUSW - European Platform for Worldwide Social Work
EUSW Working Groups meeting
Berlin (Germany)
24th-27th January 2006
click here to see the whole list
28th August 2008

28th August 2008

6th May 2008
click here to see the whole list
18th-20th September 2008

30th June-4th July 2008

21th–22th April 2008
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This section presents the most important activities (such as conferences, meetings and so on) organized by our structure. The activities and the related downloadable documents are divided on the base of the EUSW Working Groups (see section "Organisation" for more details on the Working Groups). Here's a short overview ...

The Educational Opportunities Group will developed the following outputs:
- Training Courses and Professional Development for Social Work Actors: the training courses will address social work teachers and professionals in order to develop social work education in all European countries;
- International courses in Social Work for European Students: the base of the Courses will be mainly on-line, using the Virclass platform, then developing into a short residential period (Summer Schools) organised in various partner institutions, as to favour a large access of students.

Three new social work books will be produced during the first year of project period. They will be adopted by each participating institution as the official texts of the normal study programs. This product will help both teachers and students to a comparative approach in the study of disciplines related to Social Work education.

This Working group will be in a constant co-operation between the Direction Board for the distribution of the newsletter. It will help a continuous flow of information across the network participants, institutions, organisations and third parties.

Under the responsibility of the "Web Enhancement and ODL Group", the EUSW website offers teaching and learning materials, as well as access to the adopted e-learning platform and to sections for teachers and professionals where all network members will be able to start active and fruitful cooperation.

Meetings and conferences will be open to all the participating associations and institutions of the network. During the annual meetings the network will take benefit from the invitation of external experts involved in Social Work, both professionals and teachers.

To be a European Platform for Worldwide Social Work, this project will result in international learning activities by submitting new proposals to different action programmes, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Minerva, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, ALFA, EU/Canada, EU/US as well as applications for research.

The Research Group will work to identify common research paths and will help to create research groups with common interests in order to favour the implementation of high-quality teams, then able to work on specific topics. The results will be then disseminated to all network partners to diffuse a "network" approach to specific problems.

In respect of the indications suggested by the Commission and in the belief that Tuning is a project of primary importance, this specific Working Group will be in charge of cooperating with EU Tuning representatives in order to fully understand and correctly adopting the Tuning methodology in all of the network activities.

Led by Prof. Anne Karin Larsen (Hogskolen i Bergen), Virclass Task Force is a EUSW group in charge of creating a virtual classroom in Social Work in Europe.
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