EUSW - European Platform for Worldwide Social Work
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28th August 2008

28th August 2008

6th May 2008
click here to see the whole list
18th-20th September 2008

30th June-4th July 2008

21th–22th April 2008
EUSW is a Network based on mutual trust and the will to actively contribute towards the improvement of Social Work, both as education and a profession. Although identifiable as a European network, the main objective of EUSW is to open the discussion on Social Work issues also outside European boundaries. For this reason, if you are dealing with Social Work and you are interested in offering your contribution to the development of an international dimension of Social Work, please follow the instructions described in the right column.
Download the endorsement letter in either pdf or doc format, fill it and have it signed by the LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE of Your Institution/Association/Organisation.
Please send the originals of the filled endorsement letter to the following address:
EUSW Headquarter
Università degli Studi di Parma
Servizio Rapporti Comunitari e Internazionali
P.le Barezzi, 3 - 43100 Parma (Italy)
For any further information don't hesitate to contact EUSW Headquarter:
Phone: +39.0521.034037 - Fax: +39.0521.034074 - e-Mail: